Americas articles

  • How America’s Military-Industrial Complex Wins All of Its Wars Against America’s Taxpayers

    Eric Zuesse (blogs at As has been documented by such authorities on U.S. military spending as Winslow T. Wheeler, Robert Higgs, and others, America spends each year around $1.5 trillion for its military but hides at least around $800 billion of it (so as for the U.S. not to be publicly recognized as spending […]

    Eric Zuesse (blogs at By overwhelming margins, the American people believe that their Government is corrupt, and the polling shows that the margins who believe this have soared from over 80% in 1976, to over 90% today. The American people overwhelmingly distrust their top ‘elected’ officials. Skepticism of the U.S. Government’s legitimacy is very […]
  • The Streets of America

    Joe Biden and the Democrats are perplexed. They look at the numbers and think the economy is going well and cannot figure out why the President’s approval rating is so low. Yet they are looking at the economy from 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, a street far removed from all the other streets in the United States. More