Crawls articles

  • Google: Crawl Budget Goes Across All Googlebot Crawling, Not Just Web Search

    When it comes to crawl budget and Google not crawling your site too much or too little, Google takes into account all Googlebot activity across all verticals. So that includes crawling for web search, Merchant Center, ads, and all the various crawling activities. Google's John Mueller was asked by Christian Radny, "Does merchant center crawling (automatic updates) count for crawling budget?" John Mueller replied, "Sure - it's a load on your server. The goal is to avoid breaking your server...
  • Google Crawl Budget Is Allocated By Hostname

    Google gives every hostname its own allocated crawl budget. So that means each domain, subdomain, etc has its own unique crawl budget. This was brought up in the comments are in a LinkedIn post where Tony McCreath asked a Google crawl budget questions related to crawling a page on domain A that loads a resource from domain B (different server).John Mueller from Google responded, saying, "They're independent."Then former Googler, Pedro Dias wrote, "Afaik, it's allocated set by hostname, right?...
  • The best way to go on a pizza crawl across Manhattan

    New York City is the mecca of American pizza with over 2,000 shops across the five boroughs. From dollar-slice counters to brick-oven pizzerias, there is a pizza place for everyone, with a whole pie guaranteed to make for the perfect bite to share with friends and family. One of my fondest memories is the pizza This story The best way to go on a pizza crawl across Manhattan appeared first on Washington Square News.