Sparta rotterdam articles

  • Rotterdam aims to solve homeless Eastern European issue

    Rotterdam city council is opening a special out-of-town shelter for homeless Eastern European nationals next month, where they can kick their alcohol or drugs addiction, get help with finding work, or be helped to return home. “This group of homeless people has become completely unacceptable,” city care chief Ronald Buijt said. “It has to be brought to an end.” The centre, on the Volkelstraat close to the airport, will offer beds for at least 60 people, whether or not they
  • Rotterdam is buying and refurbishing unused retail properties to prevent vacancies

    The municipality of Rotterdam has started buying up unused retail properties at strategic locations to prevent vacancies, and to stop them from becoming rundown and creating a poorer experience for customers at neighboring properties. Additionally, Rotterdam wants to be in a better position to improve the shopping options.The Fonds Vitale Kerngebieden, known in English as the Vital Core Areas Fund, was created for this reason. The buildings will be refurbished and transformed in an attempt to...
  • Wealthy family pays the debts of 1,000 Rotterdam households

    One of the Netherlands’ wealthiest families is to pay off the debts of 1,000 Rotterdam families a year, via its network of charities. The Van der Vorm family, which originally derived its wealth from shipping and the Holland America Line cruise empire, is said to be worth €9 billion by Quote. The family has a string of philanthropic organisations and will spend at least €8 million paying off debts, the AD reported. One family foundation, Stichting Nieuw Vaarwater, will deal with negotiations...