Explain articles

  • Emulators on iOS: Explained

    If you’re looking to relive the good old days of the Nintendo DS, Game Boy, N64, SNES, or even NES, you’ll no doubt be excited to hear about Apple’s most recent change of heart.  The iPhone maker recently announced that developers would be allowed to list game emulators in the App Store, making it possible for users to download retro games on their smartphones. Keep reading to learn more. Can I play emulators on iPhone?  Game emulators have long been banned on the iOS App Store....
  • Explainer: What is the Cash Waterfall Mechanism?

    The Cash Waterfall Mechanism was implemented in April 2020 as part of the Energy Sector Recovery Programme (ESRP) to ensure fairness and transparency in distributing energy revenues among electricity distribution companies.
  • The Three-Body Problem Explained

    If you have been watching the new TV series which recently premiered on Netflix and are wondering what the three body problem is and why it is so significant. This quick guide will provide more insight. The three-body problem stands as a significant challenge in astrophysics, characterized by the complex gravitational interactions among three celestial […]