Fixing articles

  • Voyager 1: A Splendid Fix

    Although it’s been quite some time since I’ve written about Voyager, our two interstellar craft (and this is indeed what they are at present, the first to return data from beyond the heliosphere) are never far from my mind. That has been the case since 1989, when I stayed up all night for the Neptune encounter and was haunted by the idea that we were saying goodbye to these doughty travelers. Talk about naivete! Now that I know as many people in this business as I do, I should have realized...
  • Why the USPS is urging homeowners to fix their mailboxes

    The United States Postal Service is encouraging Americans to clean up and fix their mailboxes as part of an annual campaign.
  • iPhone not charging? Here are 6 ways to fix it

    iPhone not charging or charging slowly? Whether you’re having issues with a particular charging cable, multiple cables/chargers, wireless charging, or intermittent trouble, read on for 6 solutions to fix an iPhone that won’t power up normally. We’ll also look at what to do if your iPhone stops charging at 80%. more