Major crimes articles

  • Crimes Against Humanity in Gaza

    Among the many brutalities in war prohibited under international humanitarian law are starvation of civilian populations and deliberate attacks on aid workers. Here are some new findings worth considering as we ponder the continued decline of human security in the Gaza fighting. Starvation By now we are all familiar with the appalling food situation in More
  • The reality of migrant crime

    THE REALITY OF MIGRANT CRIME. There’s been a political debate lately about crimes committed by migrants who entered the United States illegally. Actually, there’s not much to debate about their first unlawful act, entering the U.S. without authorization, but much disagreement about how many illegal border crossers commit crimes after that.  In recent weeks, Republicans have publicized […]
  • Do Crime Stats Matter?

    Politicians love to point to high crime rates to justify tough law-and-order policies on the right or strict gun control measures on the left. But surprisingly little of this hot-button crime debate is based on how much actual crime is occurring. Even when crime rates fall, as indeed they have – and fairly consistently – More