Poisoning articles

  • Poisoned Ground: The Tragedy at Love Canal

    Monday, April 22 at 9 In the late 1970s, residents of Love Canal, a working-class neighborhood in Niagara Falls, New York, discovered that their homes, schools and playgrounds were built on top of a former chemical waste dump, which was now leaking toxic substances and wreaking havoc on their health. Through interviews with many of the extraordinary housewives turned activists, the film shows how they effectively challenged those in power, forced America to reckon with the human cost of...
  • All Poison-type Pokemon weaknesses & resistances

    Whether you're trying to catch Poison-type Pokemon or you have one on your team, here are all weaknesses, resistances, and strengths you need to know about. Poison-type Pokemon aren't the most popular, but that can be an advantage when facing unprepared trainers. Many Ultra Beasts are Poison-type species, so it's always good to know how to deal with these powerful creatures. Here are all Poison-type Pokemon weaknesses, resistances, and strengths, alongside the best counters to face...
  • Lawsuit accuses Newport Beach fertility clinic of poisoning embryos

    For two weeks in January, a Newport Beach fertility lab had a zero-percent rate of successful implantation, allegedly because embryos were exposed to hydrogen peroxide or another caustic chemical, according to a lawsuit filed this week on behalf of nine couples. More than a dozen embryos were already nonviable when the lab, Ovation Fertility, implanted them into the would-be mothers, said the lawsuit, which accuses the lab of negligence. The "catastrophic error" occurred between Jan. 18 and Jan....