Sciences articles

  • Most science is not as simple as basic astronomy

    Sometimes people accidentally make good points while believing they are making the opposite point. Right before the eclipse, liberal activist David Pepper asked an easy-to-answer question whose answer is in fact informative — even if Pepper thought it was a stumper. Very few arguments in the past few years have been as annoying and smug […]
  • Climate Alarmists' Bad Science

    Climate Alarmists' Bad Science Submitted by David Barker, who has taught economics and finance at the University of Chicago and the University of Iowa and worked as an economist at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. He runs a real-estate and finance company. I debunked research by the Federal Reserve and top academic economists on the economics of climate change. An author of a paper I debunked then said that three professors from Stanford and Berkeley had done a much better...
  • Missile defenses defeat ‘the science’ and ‘the experts’

    If someone says, “Trust the science!” these days, it’s usually an effort to short-circuit debate over weighty policy issues. “Trust the science” has been deployed in the past five years to prevent debate over COVID school closures and mask mandates, over electric-car subsidies, and over sex changes for boys and girls. For my entire time […]