Young adult articles

  • Rising cancer trend among young adults

    JOPLIN, Mo. — People around the world were shocked to learn about Princess Kate Middleton's cancer diagnosis. Her battle is evidence of a growing trend. "This of course came as a huge shock, and William and I have been doing everything we can to process this and manage this privately," said Princess Kate Middleton. The []
  • UTEC to celebrate 25 years of supporting young adults

    In the 1990s, UTEC Reentry Manager Viengsamay “Paul” Chaleunphong made some bad choices, choices that would land him in deep trouble with the law. At the time, Lowell was in the midst of a war between the Latino and Southeast Asian gangs in the city, and Chaleunphong, as young as he was, found himself deeply involved in that life. Still, at the time Chaleunphong knew that gang life was not a viable path forward for him.
  • Hundreds of Young Adults Embrace Christ in Spontaneous Baptisms

    One year after the stunning, 16-day, non-stop worship service at Asbury University, an outpouring of sorts still appears to be striking various schools and student bodies across America. Case-in-point: well-known ministry leaders Jennie Allen, Jonathan Pokluda and others baptized hundreds of University of Georgia students Wednesday night. Rather than immersions in traditional baptismal pools, many of the students professed their faith in the backs of pickup trucks outside a fraternity—a truly...