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  • Akuma finally gets radical Street Fighter 6 gameplay trailer at Evo Japan

    Akuma has just gotten a shiny new gameplay trailer at Evo Japan, signaling the imminent arrival of the fighter to Street Fighter 6. Alongside the trailer, we now know that Akuma will be coming to the game on May 22nd. As for what we actuallly see in the trailer, we get a great glimpse at all his moves in-action, as well as his rad new design that's taken the beastial aspects of the Street Fighter V and taken it to 11. He looks brilliant, and much like the other SF6 characters his kit has ben...
  • Illaoi finally gets gameplay showcase ahead of 2XKO Evo Japan demo

    Illaoi has finally gotten a dedicated gameplay trailer and explainer, ahead of a new 2XKO demo available to play at Evo Japan. The character, first revealed during the game's free-to-play announcement is the fifth to be fully playable by members of the public. The video in question, released on 2XKO socials and viewable below, comes alongside commentary by Caroline Montana Riot Shyvana who designed the champion alongside a dedicated development pod, and explains that this bruiser is a...
  • Sesame Street writers reach tentative agreement to avoid going on S-T-R-I-K-E

    Devastating the collective political cartoonists of America—forced to crumple up potentially hundreds of hastily scrawled cartoons depicting Bert and Ernie screaming slogans while out on the picket lines—Deadline reports tonight that the Writers Guild Of America has reached a tentative agreement with Sesame Workshop, likely avoiding a strike that could have shut down production of long-running children’s educational series Sesame Street. The 35 writers on the series had authorized a vote to...