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    Google promised its new artificial intelligence search tools would “do the work for you” and make finding information online quicker and easier. But just days after the launch, the company is already walking back some factually incorrect results. Google earlier this month introduced an AI-generated search results overview tool, which summarizes search results so that users don’t have to click through multiple links to get quick answers to their questions. But the feature came under fire this...
  • This Hack Disables Google’s AI Search Results by Default

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  • Google’s AI really is that stupid, feeds people answers from The Onion

    As denizens of the Internet, we have all often seen a news item so ridiculous it caused us to think, “This seems like an Onion headline.” But as real human beings, most of us have the ability to discern between reality and satire. Unfortunately, Google’s newly launched “AI Overview” lacks that crucial ability. The feature, which launched less than two weeks ago (with no way for users to opt-out), provides answers to certain queries at the top of the page above any other online resources. The...