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  • Holy Fire Miracle

    From Hour 2 of The Drew Mariani Show on 5-3-24 Due to a technical error in today's files, we are unable to post the full hours of today's podcast. Check back next week, we may have found a solution by then.Here is the post-chaplet segment between Drew and Fr Simon that was pre-recorded
  • Orthodox Christians celebrate Holy Fire ceremony

    STORY: After hours of anticipation, people were able to light their candles from the little round windows in the tomb of Jesus in the Holy Sepulchre Church. Greek Orthodox Patriarch Theophilos III handed worshippers the fire from inside the tomb in a mysterious act considered an annual Holy miracle before Orthodox Easter Sunday (May 5).Pilgrims chanted excitedly as they passed on the fire to others.Outside, several police barricades were set throughout the streets of the Old City.
  • The Miracle of Holy Fire (The Drew Mariani Show) Imagine this: you’re in Jerusalem, standing in the dark, hushed and hopeful, when suddenly a bundle of 33 candles bursts into flame with a heavenly light—no matches, no tricks, just pure, jaw-dropping awe. That’s the miracle of the Holy Fire, Join Drew Mariani and Fr. Richard Simon as they explore the awe-inspiring miracle of the Holy Fire, a phenomenon that has sparked faith and wonder for centuries! This...