Bumblebee articles

  • Bumblebee species able to survive underwater for up to a week

    Common eastern bumblebee queens’ ability while hibernating could help it endure flooding, scientists sayBumblebees might be at home in town and country but now researchers have found at least one species that is even more adaptable: it can survive underwater.Scientists have revealed queens of the common eastern bumblebee, a species widespread in eastern North America, can withstand submersion for up to a week when hibernating. Continue reading
  • Queen bumblebees surprise scientists by surviving underwater

    Bumblebees can surprisingly withstand days underwater, according to a study published Wednesday, suggesting they could withstand increased floods brought on by climate change that threaten their winter hibernation burrows.Researchers placed 143 hibernating queen bumblebees in tubes -- some with no water as a comparative group, some floating in water and some fully submerged using a plunger for a period ranging from eight hours to seven days, according to the study published in the journal...
  • Bumblebee species can survive a week underwater, scientists discover

    At least one bumblebee species can survive underwater, scientists have found after a mishap led to an experiment. A study by researchers in Canada has found when hibernating, common eastern bumblebee queens can survive being submerged in water for a week with no apparent issues. Research began after Dr Sabrina Rondeau, of the University of Guelph in Ontario, made a mistake during a previous experiment. After storing a shipment of 300 hibernating common eastern bumblebee queens in a refrigerator,...