Carolyn hax archives articles

  • Biden | Archives |

    The White House is seen as dusk falls, Sunday, April 14, 2024, in Washington. (AP Photo/Jacquelyn Martin)
  • Lluc archive budget doubled

    The Consell de Mallorca has doubled the budget allocated to the Sanctuary of Lluc for the conservation and digitisation of its historic archive, from €35,000 to €70,000 euros. President of the Consell, Llorenç Galmés said this increase on 23 April was “to help maintain the more than 10,000 parchments, sheets and documents recounting centuries of […]
  • Threads is testing automatic archiving for posts

    Threads users may soon have a new way to clean up their timelines. The app is testing a new archive feature that can be used to manually archive individual posts or automatically hide posts after a set period of time, Adam Mosseri shared. As on Instagram, archiving a post on Threads will hide it from public view, though the post will be available to the original author to view or undo. The Instagram head said the feature will be available to a “small number of people” to start. Though optional,...