Christy o’dette articles

  • Monster mash: O's slug 1,646 feet worth of HRs

    BALTIMORE -- Saturday evening brought a lot of long home runs for the Orioles -- 1,646 feet worth, to be exact. It was the type of result almost to be expected during an American League East series featuring a Baltimore lineup that loves long balls and a Tampa Bay pitching
  • Another bad Saturday to be a Rays fan - Rays: 5, O's: 9

    On the 59th game of the season, the Rays will face off against the Baltimore Orioles for the second time this season. After yesterday’s tough and frustrating loss, Taj Bradley and the Rays will try to force the rubber match. In the bottom of the first inning, Ryan Mountcastle turned around a 96 mph fastball that was on the inside part of the plate. Siri was close to rubbing another homer, but his efforts weren’t enough. This was Mountcastle’s first homer since May 8th. A couple of pitches later,...
  • No Deal: W.H.O. Fails to Secure Global Pandemic Treaty

    No deal. That was the message for World Health Organization (W.H.O.) chief Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus on Friday after his proposed global pandemic treaty was rejected after two years of closed-door meetings in Geneva, Switzerland.