Commentary on the quran articles

  • Commentary: Why bother with letters?

    Why do the newspapers bother with a “Letters to the Editor” section? Generally, they don’t announce an imminent disaster. They don’t praise a record high school sports score. They don’t bring us up to date on a community event or national event. They don’t (or shouldn’t) advertise for profit.
  • Commentary: Rooting out corruption

    There is nothing more important to our communities, our families and the future of our children than a strong public school system. Our dedicated La Joya ISD teachers and staff work tirelessly and do an excellent job preparing our students for success.
  • Commentary: Starting a musical voyage

    As the school year winds down, families everywhere begin to envision a summer filled with relaxation and fun. Often seen as a period to unwind from the rigorous demands of academic life, summer also presents an extraordinary opportunity for new experiences. For families who have never ventured into the world of music lessons, there’s no better time to start than during these warm, expansive months.