Creative assembly articles

  • Mechanobiology exerts creative pressure

    Numerous cellular phenomena are guided by mechanical forces, such as embryonic development or the spread of metastases. These phenomena are the subject of intense research aimed at understanding how they are translated into biological processes. Particular emphasis is being placed on new opportunities to treat diseases as resistant as cancer or fibrosis.
  • Optimizing your intranet to drive creative collaboration

    Tips on rethinking intranet structure, using frameworks to foster engagement and more. During Ragan’s Employee Communications and Culture Conference this past April, Ragan Editor Sean Devlin went deep into what it takes for comms leads to bootstrap their commtech stack and optimize the intranet during a lively panel conversation with JPMorgan Chase & Co. Executive […]
  • WHO states decide not to invite Taiwan to annual assembly

    GENEVA (Reuters) -Member states of the World Health Organization (WHO) on Monday decided not to invite Taiwan to the organization's annual assembly in Geneva after China appealed for it to remain sidelined. Taiwan is excluded from most international organisations because of objections by China, which considers the democratically governed island its territory. Taiwan attended the WHO's World Health Assembly (WHA) as an observer from 2009 to 2016 under the administration of then-President Ma...