Dubai articles

  • Jetsuit Races in Dubai

    The first ever Jetsuit races were held in Dubai about a month ago. Nextbigfuture has covered the Gravity Industry Jet suits for a few years. The jets and powerpack are attached to wearer with metal frames. They use five micro-gas turbines, two on each arm and one on the back. Their power is 1,050 bhp
  • The week that life in Dubai ground to a halt

    The scenes from Dubai this week seemed apocalyptic to residents who are more used to the tranquil nature of the sunny metropolis in the desert. This city hadn’t witnessed a natural disaster of such magnitude since records began, and the destruction it left behind only became apparent after the storm cleared. The United Arab Emirates, of which Dubai is part, saw the heaviest rainfall in at least 75 years, with more than a year’s worth of precipitation in 24 hours. Life for many in the glitzy...
  • What Is Behind the Excessive Rain and Flooding in Dubai?

    Climate change is behind torrential downpours and unusual flooding in the normally arid Dubai.