Google chrome cookies phase out articles

  • How to use Google Gemini in Google Chrome: A new shortcut revealed

    Google Gemini, the company’s ChatGPT competitor, is becoming prevalent across the company’s suite of services, from Gmail to Google Docs and even the Chrome browser thanks to a new update. The update makes it easier than ever to access Google Gemini and get personalised answers to your burning questions, no matter how niche they might be. It works in a similar way to regular Google searches in the browser, but now with a little bit of GenAI secret sauce. It was already relatively easy to...
  • Google testing out running Chrome OS on Android

    A recent Google experiment has revealed that they are testing out a way for users to run Chrome OS on Android.
  • Google patches another zero-day exploit in Chrome

    If you're using Google's Chrome browser, it's time to update it -- and fast.Google confirmed this week that it has released Chrome 125 for Windows, Mac, and Linux. The update includes a range of patches to security flaws, including a zero-day exploit called CVE-2024-4947. Zero-day exploits are vulnerabilities in software that malicious actors may know about and can easily target users because the software maker has yet to patch the flaw. And if that sounds familiar, it's because Google released...