Ip versus articles

  • What are IP blocks?

    Hi! I’m Rae, a Movement Communications Associate at the Wikimedia Foundation, and long-time Wikimedia volunteer. This post discusses IP blocks—what they are, why they are placed, and IP block
  • How to change your IP address, why you'd want to

    Security and privacy have been hot topics for a long time (and that's not going to change any time soon). One means of achieving privacy on the internet is to either change or obfuscate your IP address, so evildoers and/or third parties aren't able to track you or keep a history of your browsing traffic.Also: This Linksys Wi-Fi 7 mesh router makes reliable wireless throughout your home so very easyChanging your IP address might sound like a task that requires a computer science degree -- but...
  • When to Use a Blender Versus a Food Processor

    Blenders and food processors both cut food (fast) but the shape of the container and blades makes them each experts at different tasks. Once you know what they do best, you can use both of these appliances to make your work in the kitchen much easier.