Impact of the covid-19 pandemic on television articles

  • Despite its 'nothingburger' reputation, COVID-19 remains deadlier than the flu

    Since the earliest days of the pandemic, health officials have gauged the threat of COVID-19 by comparing it to the flu. At first, it wasn't even close. People hospitalized in 2020 with the then-novel respiratory disease were five times more likely to die of their illness than were patients who had been hospitalized with influenza during the preceding flu seasons. Immunity from vaccines and past coronavirus infections has helped tame COVID-19 to the point that when researchers compared the...
  • 'Not a scarient': New COVID-19 subvariant dominant in Canada

    A new COVID-19 subvariant is dominant in Canada, representing just over 30 per cent of cases in the country, but infectious disease experts say there’s no sign it’ll evolve into a summer “scarient.” The new subvariant, KP.2, is not actually new, it’s a “soup” of mutations that have accumulated, Dr. Tyson Graber, an associate scientist at the CHEO Research Institute in Ottawa, explained . Omicron, the tidal wave variant that spread in late 2022, is the “parent” of KP.2, which will...
  • Media deem COVID-19 vaccine injury acceptable for discussion

    The Overton window as it pertains to COVID-19 vaccine injury is shifting. The once verboten notion that vaccines previously lauded as the safest and most effective vaccines in medical history might inflict serious harm on some recipients, an idea long dismissed by doctors and lambasted in the press, has gained some acceptability in recent weeks. Members of […]