Keystone pipeline xl articles

  • Update on potential Keystone College closure

    LA PLUME, LACKAWANNA COUNTY (WBRE/WYOU) — There's a new update on the future of Keystone College. 28/22 News told you recently the private college in Lackawanna County is putting a plan together for its students in case of a potential closure. On Tuesday, the college president John Pullo said they are working with an investment []
  • LEVER WEEKLY: Pentagon Grifts And Zombie Pipelines

    From insurance meltdowns and zombie pipelines to Pentagon grifts, here’s all the news from The Lever this week.
  • Elgato Stream Deck XL, Now 20% Off

    Imagine multitasking and simultaneously managing all your apps, switching scenes, tweak lighting, adjusting audio, and more, as quickly as you can tap a key. Sounds fascinating, doesn't it? Now, you can turn this fantasy into a reality with Elgato Stream Deck XL, an advanced studio controller. Currently available on Amazon with a 20% discount, there are a multitude of reasons why this product is an impulse buy. Loaded with 32 customizable LCD keys, Elgato Stream Deck XL lets you trigger...