Kyle rittenhouse articles

  • USA TODAY: Kyle Rittenhouse Campus Speeches Raise 'Free Speech' Questions

    This will grab your attention. At the bottom of the front page of Thursday’s USA Today was this headline: Shooter Rittenhouse’s tour draws outrage College gun-rights events raise questions about free speech and its impact USA Today thinks pro-gun-rights speech “raises questions”? The online headline was even stronger: Kyle Rittenhouse, deadly shooter, college speaker? A campus gun-rights tour sparks outrage As in: Who’s approving this speech on campus? A video in the online story shows...
  • USA TODAY: Kyle Rittenhouse Campus Speeches Raise 'Free Speech' Questions

    This will grab your attention. At the bottom of the front page of Thursday’s USA Today was this headline: Shooter Rittenhouse’s tour draws outrage College gun-rights events raise questions about free speech and its impact USA Today thinks pro-gun-rights speech “raises questions”? The online headline was even stronger: Kyle Rittenhouse, deadly shooter, college speaker? A campus gun-rights tour sparks outrage As in: Who’s approving this speech on campus? A video in the online story shows...
  • Kyle Rittenhouse tells detractors at Kent State to 'cope harder' while the attacker he showed mercy to seethes outside

    Kyle Rittenhouse visited Kent State University in Ohio Tuesday to speak about the importance of the Second Amendment as part of a Turning Point USA lecture series. As with his other recent appearances, Rittenhouse was once again met with apoplectic teens apparently convinced — perhaps because of the liberal media's various false reports — that he was a "murderer" and possibly even a racist, despite having been acquitted of all charges and shooting only white men. Among the radical...