Letter articles

  • Letters: This is America

    I read the letter to The Madera Tribune (April 3) by Chuck Wieland and the reply (April 10) by John Wright. I appreciated the comments by Wieland about Trump, the Republican party and the colorful language.“Let’s not be silently complicit in transforming America into a Bizarro World. Or Amerika.” Wright wrote that regarding Wieland’s comments, he was “stunned, disgusted and disappointed.” I feel that I have to inform Wright that not everyone in Madera County is a MAGA Trumper. That anyone who...
  • Letter: No one is above the law

    “[Donald Trump] thinks he’s being persecuted, but he’s simply being held to account for his alleged actions, as every other citizen of this country would be.”
  • The Enlightenment had its own internet: The Republic of Letters

    There was no internet during the Enlightenment, but something surprisingly similar did exist in the 17th and 18th centuries. This was the Republic of Letters: a virtual, global community of scientists and intellectuals who exchanged information using the fastest technology available at the time — the postal service. 15,000 letters The clue is in the name: letters tied this self-proclaimed, transnational society together. Lots of letters. What this “metaphysical republic” lacked in speed, it made...