M.j. acosta-ruiz articles

  • I’m too young to be eighty-four!

    Here is a message I received from one of my grandkids this week. “Hey JB, it’s your birthday, and you just turned 84, I know you will live for many, many more.” I sure hope I do. I understand that I’m getting a bit older and that I cannot ignore life’s ending. But I’m not going to sit around like some Shakespeare character thinking about death. I would hope it is much more productive for me to make the most of my current state in life. Play the cards we are dealt. Then anticipate a lingering...
  • I’m proud to be an accountant – Ooni

    The Ooni of Ife, Oba Adeyeye Ogunwusi, Ojaja 11, says he is proud to be an accountant and will continuing to hold the profession in high esteem.
  • A.J. Jacobs Lives Originalism

    A. J. Jacobs, NPR contributor, essayist, host of the podcast "The Puzzler" and the author of The Year of Living Biblically, It's All Relative and his latest, The Year of Living Constitutionally: One Man's Humble Quest to Follow the Constitution's Original Meaning (Crown, 2024), offers his take on "originalism" by living like a "founding father"—tricorn hat and all. →EVENT: A. J. Jacobs talks to NYS Lieutenant Gov. Antonio Delgado at 92Y on Thursday, May 9 at 8pm. Register here.