Maps articles

  • Is There A Road-Map For What's Ahead?

    Is There A Road-Map For What's Ahead? Authored by Charles Hugh Smith via Substack, One of our primary survival traits is the ability to anticipate the future to avoid threats and reap higher yields. We seek a vantage point to view the road ahead, or even better a road map to what's ahead. Is there a road map to what's ahead? An enormous amount of research and projections are issued daily, proposing answers to the question: what happens next? In my view, a good starting point is...
  • Where is Coastal Columns in Fortnite? Map location

    Coastal Columns is a lesser-known landmark in Fortnite that a quest from the Elements event requires you to visit. So, here's where you can find Coastal Columns on the map. The ongoing Fortnite x Avatar: The Last Airbender crossover event has introduced a set of Elements quests to the game. Completing these missions rewards players with progression in the Event Pass, and one quest requires them to head to Coastal Columns. If you're wondering where this landmark is located, here's where...
  • Researchers develop forest extent map for Mexico

    To properly protect forests and evaluate the state of natural resources, conservation practices and environmental policies, it is important to have accurate information on an area's forest extent.