Physics articles

  • Rumor: iPhone 16 could ditch physical buttons after all

    Rumors that Apple is hoping to switch a future iPhone model from physical to capacitive buttons persist. Now, a new supply chain report suggests that Apple has placed a supply chain order for a new capacitive button system that will replace the physical buttons on the iPhone 16. more
  • Army Recruitment: Most candidates fail the physical test

    The General Staff of Defense analyzed, in February, March and April, the conduct of the first round of recruitment-selection of professional soldiers this year, a process consisting mainly of the phases of registration and selection of candidates (preparation of files, evaluations physical, psychological and medical), respectively of the distribution in units of the admitted candidates. […]
  • The big idea of Grand Unified Theories of physics

    Whenever we think about the Universe at a fundamental level, there’s always the temptation to wonder if reality might somehow be simpler than we perceive it to be. As complex and diverse as the natural world is, it’s humbling to recognize that everything we see, perceive, and interact with is made of the same building blocks. Matter is made of atoms, which are made of protons, neutrons, and electrons; protons and neutrons are further made of quarks and gluons. There are other particles as well:...