Plants & animals molecular & computational biology articles

  • 32p Homemade Pesticide for Plants

    Ingredients: 1 garlic bulb: £0.30 1 teaspoon mild liquid soap: £0.02 2 cups of water: Free Instructions: Application: Spray on plant leaves and stems in the early morning or late afternoon. Reapply every few days or after rain. Expert Tips: According to the Drainage Channel expert: "Garlic has natural antibacterial and antifungal properties, making it an effective deterrent against common garden pests." They also recommend testing the spray on a small area first to ensure it doesn't harm the...
  • 15 of the Easiest Plants to Propagate

    Propagating plants is not only cost-effective, it’s also a lot of fun—and will help you steps up your indoor gardening game. Growing new plants from cuttings, buds, or roots is a lot easier than you think, especially if you choose the right plants to work with. Here are 15 of the easiest houseplants to propagate.
  • 32p Homemade Pesticide for Plants

    Ingredients: 1 garlic bulb: £0.30 1 teaspoon mild liquid soap: £0.02 2 cups of water: Free Instructions: Application: Spray on plant leaves and stems in the early morning or late afternoon. Reapply every few days or after rain. Expert Tips: According to the Drainage Channel expert: "Garlic has natural antibacterial and antifungal properties, making it an effective deterrent against common garden pests." They also recommend testing the spray on a small area first to ensure it doesn't harm the...