Russia-ukraine conflict articles

  • Russia puts new pressure on Ukraine

    Welcome to The Hill's Defense & NatSec newsletter {beacon} Defense &National Security Defense &National Security   The Big Story Russia launches major push in Kharkiv The U.S. also announced a new $400 million package for Ukraine. © Getty In the early morning hours on Friday, Russian forces pressed into the northeastern Kharkiv region from Russia's Belgorod
  • A Ukraine Peace Conference Without Russia

    While attention is focused on the Middle East and the possibilities for a cease-fire and a major regional peace plan, the Swiss government is convening a high-level meeting on the Russia/Ukraine conflict. On May 2, the Swiss government announced that “more than 160 delegations from all over the world were invited to join the first More
  • Can Russia Successfully Occupy Ukraine?

    A widespread assumption in the foreign affairs community is that Russia would be unable to occupy Ukraine durably even if it won the war. Many believe that Moscow would find the cost of policing a large, hostile country like Ukraine too immense to bear. Therefore, defeating the Ukrainian state can only be a pyrrhic victory. […]