Science & health articles

  • Is fundamental science a victim of its own success?

    Some 500 years ago, there was one scientific phenomenon that was, without controversy, extremely well-understood: the motion of the celestial objects in the sky. The Sun rose in the east and set in the west with a regular, 24 hour period. Its path in the sky rose higher and the days grew longer until the summer solstice, while its path was the lowest and shortest on the winter solstice. The stars exhibited that same 24 hour period, as though the heavenly canopy rotated throughout the night. The...
  • How Do You Make A Global Health Podcast?

    Three years ago, Dr. Garry Aslanyan searched for a global health podcast he wanted to listen to. When he could not find one, he decided to start his own. “I like podcasts as a tool in other areas, such as politics and current affairs,” Aslanyan told Health Policy Watch. “Podcasts allow for the most open […]
  • Women's health is so much more than abortion

    The Biden White House issued a proclamation that declared National Women’s Health Week the week of May 12-18. Curiously, the statement called for unlimited abortion access as part of women’s health care.