Sustainability articles

  • Sustainability Statistics

    Sometimes good numbers alone can tell a great story. Below are six charts featured throughout ADWEEK's digital package exploring the relationship between marketing and sustainability. In 2018, just under half of all S&P 500 companies mentioned "climate change" as a possible risk or regulatory hurdle in their financial filings. In 2023, more than nine in 10 did the same. here. All Fortune 500 companies have a CEO. Most have someone in charge of finance and legal. Only 57%, however,...
  • Female impact for a sustainable future

    To ensure that the consequences of global warming remain manageable, it's crucial that life and business worldwide become climate-neutral.
  • Spain speaks on sustainability in London

    Turespaña and the Tourism Department in London marked a day to highlight Spain´s achievements in sustainable tourism, with Benidorm esteemed a pioneer. On April 17, Spain Sustainability Day took place in London as part of the Spain Talks programme, designed to share Spain´s advancements in sustainable tourism management. The director of Turespaña, Miquel Sanz, said […]