Tyrod taylor articles

  • Taylor Swift’s new album is for gamers.

    Not only is the first song called “Fortnight” (ignore the typo), but the lyrics from “So High School” reference both GTA and the beloved LucasArts adventure game Full Throttle. Curiously it’s not capitalized, but Swift does seem to be teasing a sequel. [Attachment: https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/TgfDRP-EQ5cCLxAlLRbwH2M__Mk=/0x0:1170x1421/1170x1421/filters:focal(585x711:586x712)/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_asset/file/25408748/img_7249.jpg]
  • Taylor Swift's 'Fresh Out the Slammer' Lyrics Explained

    [caption id="attachment_3583031" align="alignnone" width="900"] Taylor Swift and Matty Healy[/caption] While Taylor Swift often gets cryptic in her lyrics, she sometimes is more direct than listeners may think. Swift, 34, put her love life under a microscope on her 11th album, The Tortured Poets Department, making references to exes Joe Alwyn and Matty Healy (and even giving subtle nods to current boyfriend Travis Kelce). On "Fresh Out the Slammer," Swift seemingly details how she...
  • Taylor Swift drops ‘Florida!!!’ song; What does it mean?

    If you’re a Taylor Swift fan, or a “Swiftie,” you may have been up at midnight for her highly anticipated album drop, “The Tortured Poets Department.”