Unfrosted articles

  • Unfrosted Review

    The biggest joke in Unfrosted is the one told before a single frame rolls: Can you believe they made a movie about the creation of Pop-Tarts...
  • Movie Review – Unfrosted (2024)

    Unfrosted, 2024. Directed by Jerry Seinfeld. Starring Jerry Seinfeld, Melissa McCarthy, Jim Gaffigan, Hugh Grant, and Amy Schumer. SYNOPSIS: In 1963 Michigan, business rivals Kellogg’s and Post compete to create a cake that could change breakfast forever. If there is a hilarious movie to be made about the corporate rivalry between breakfast juggernauts Kellogg’s and […] From blockbuster Hollywood movies to independent and British cinema, Flickering Myth has you covered. Read the original post...
  • How Much of Unfrosted Is ACTUALLY a True Story?

    Jerry Seinfeld's 'Unfrosted' alludes to some actual historical events and real corporate conflicts. So what's real and what isn't?