Zionism articles

  • We need an exodus from Zionism

    This Passover, we don’t need or want the false idol of Zionism. We want freedom from the project that commits genocide in our nameI’ve been thinking about Moses, and his rage when he came down from the mount to find the Israelites worshipping a golden calf.The ecofeminist in me was always uneasy about this story: what kind of God is jealous of animals? What kind of God wants to hoard all the sacredness of the Earth for himself? Continue reading
  • Zionism can – and must – be about liberation of Jews and Palestinians

    We are entwined and must be liberated together. We must work to end the war and bring safety and security to both peoplesKarl Marx’s father, Heinrich, converted from Judaism to Protestantism in 1817 – later converting his eight children – because had he not done so, he would not have been allowed to practice law in Prussia. He wasn’t alone in having to change or disguise his Judaism so that he could earn a living. There was practically no other way for Jews living in Europe in the 19th century...
  • Jewish Democrat on voting against bill: Anti-Zionism not ‘inherently’ antisemitism

    Jewish Rep. Sara Jacobs (D-Calif.) said she voted against the bill that would crack down on antisemitism on college campuses because, in her view, anti-Zionism is not “inherently” antisemitism, and the measure that passed through the House would “stifle” free speech rights. Jacobs shared her explanation by drawing from her own experience of facing antisemitism in