Brian cox articles

  • Brian Cox really hated Napoleon

    If Brian Cox were the one launching cannonballs at the pyramids with Ridley Scott, it wouldn’t have gone down like it did. This revelation comes from Brian Cox himself, who launched into a veritable tirade against the director’s Napoleon at a history event panel in London this week, with some extra, seemingly unprompted vitriol towards the film’s leading man. “Terrible. It’s terrible. A truly terrible performance by Joaquin Phoenix. It really is appalling,” he said (via British outlet The...
  • Brian Cox Discusses Matriarchy, Umbilical Cords, and Sperm

    Brian Cox is a man of many thoughts. The seasoned actor shared his latest one on an episode of The Starting Line, a British interview...
  • Brian Cox reviews "one of the worst books ever," the Bible

    Oh, good, a new contrarian take from Brian Cox just came in! From the old guy who brought you “I could’ve done Napoleon better” and “woke culture is truly awful,” we now have some comprehensive thoughts on the Bible and religion as a whole. Buckle in, guys! “I think religion does hold us back because it’s belief systems which are outside ourselves. They’re not dealing with who we are, we’re dealing [with], ‘Oh if God says this and God does that’, and you go, ‘Well what is God?’ We’ve created...