Building articles

  • We must build on the momentum of Cop28

    The Cop28 UN climate summit last year in Dubai presented the international community with a clear mandate: Place nature at the very heart of climate action. Today being Earth Day and International Mother Earth Day is a timely moment for us to reflect on the nature-specific outcomes of Cop28. These days are a global call to action for environmental stewardship and a reminder of the interconnectedness of life on Earth. International Mother Earth Day, established by the UN in 2009, invites us to...
  • Overcome the 4 barriers to building a “for all” culture

    In today’s workplace, equity for all should not be relegated to the mantra of the month or treated as a “nice to have” for organizations. A recent Great Place To Work study shows that companies that build a “for all” or “innovation by all” culture generated 5.5 more revenue growth compared to less-inclusive peers. The “for all” culture also leads to greater numbers of high-quality ideas and faster implementation.  What this means for businesses is that achieving equity for all employees of...
  • How to build an AI Voice Assistant for free

    If your business is seeking innovative ways to engage with their customers and streamline operations. AI voice assistants might be the solution and have emerged as a cost-effective way to interact with customers 24-hour today seven days a week. Offering a wide range of benefits that go beyond simple question-answering and schedule management. These intelligent […]