Collects articles

  • Pick Up the Pocono collects over 40k bags of trash

    MONROE COUNTY (WBRE/WYOU) — The Pocono Mountain Visitors Bureau (PMVB) has announced over 40,000 bags of trash were collected through overall litter efforts. According to a press release, over 500 volunteers spread out through 40 locations, covering 169 miles of roadways and collecting 1,041 bags of trash. As mentioned in the release, individuals and families, []
  • Holocaust Survivor Viktor Frankl on Collective Guilt

    Only in movies and books is the line between good and evil people always clear. In The Gulag Archipelago (Vol. 2), Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn immortalized these words: “The line separating good and evil passes not through states, nor between classes, nor between political parties either—but right through every human heart—and through all human hearts.” Solzhenitsyn wrote those
  • Experimental art collective Meow Wolf is coming to L.A.

    A Meow Wolf exhibition is designed as a dream space, a walk-through floor-to-ceiling collection of psychedelic art with a sci-fi bent and an anything-goes, punk rock spirit. Apples that melodically squeal when squeezed? One can find those in "Omega Mart," Meow Wolf’s Las Vegas exhibition. A video game that grapples with an uncompromising, impossible-to-please parent? Head to "The Real Unreal" outside Dallas. A neon-soaked forest in a suburban backyard? That originated in Meow Wolf's Santa Fe,...