Communitywide survey on superintendent articles

  • Why are we electing superintendents?

    With no offense to any of the local candidates in this election, I’ve always thought school superintendents should be appointed by an elected school board instead of being elected by the public. Some counties in Alabama and Florida (not all) elect a superintendent of schools, but the rest of the country allows the school board to make the hire. Santa Rosa County is one of 41 counties in Florida where the superintendent of schools is elected.
  • Parity Women in Sports Survey

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  • Survey: How is your company preparing for the November elections?

    Take our survey: How is your company preparing for the November elections? Ragan and The Conference Board seek insights from comms and marketing leaders on their planned communications initiatives ahead of the November elections. Every organization needs an integrated strategy for communicating with stakeholders about the upcoming elections—one that aligns messages with internal and external