Domestic manufacturing articles

  • Manufacturing Consent in the 21st Century

    Noam Chomsky and Edward S. Herman wrote Manufacturing Consent in the late 1980s to describe the structural forces which cause an otherwise free media—one lacking government censorship, fear of prison for journalists (aside from those sharing designated government secrets), and staffed with people who genuinely see themselves as holding power accountable—can nonetheless produce systematic propaganda, with a highly More
  • Reborn: recognising efforts to sustainable manufacturing

    The future is now - Sustainable, future-proof products honoured Birstall, United Kingdom 06.05.2024 – a record of 1500 participants from 60 countries applied for the Awards, demonstrating the growing importance of sustainable products and materials in shaping a more sustainable future. Every year, the Green Product Award recognizes products and concepts that stand out in terms of design, innovation, and sustainability. The winners in 12 categories have now been selected from 250 nominated...
  • Police share dangers of responding to a domestic disturbance

    The recent officer-involved shooting that led up to a police chase and multiple people sent to the hospital, just so happened to be one of over one thousand domestic violence calls the Lafayette Police Department handled year to date in 2024.