Dutch historian articles

  • Dutch take extreme weather in their stride at holiday time

    Soaring temperatures, thunderstorms and floods are leading 38% of Dutch people to rethink their summer holiday plans, according to new research by the Dutch tourist board NBTC. The board asked 7,000 people in the Netherlands, Germany, Belgium, Britain, France, the US and China about their holiday plans and in total, 46% said extreme weather would influence their choice of destination. But the Dutch, alongside the Germans, were the least likely to take extreme weather conditions into account....
  • Dutch figure skating icon Sjoukje Dijkstra dies at 82

    Former figure skater and Olympic champion Sjoukje Dijkstra has died at age 82 at her home in Someren, her daughter Katja Kossmayer announced on Facebook. Dijkstra, born in Akkrum in Friesland, became a sporting legend for earning the Netherlands its first ever Winter Olympics gold in 1964. Sjoukje Dijkstra’s great competitor in the sport was Joan Haanappel who had gained four national titles in a row. But Dijkstra won in 1959 and continued to come into her own, going on
  • Half Dutch sustainable investment funds break EU guidelines

    More than half the Dutch investment funds calling themselves sustainable are still investing in the fossil fuel sector and will not meet new EU rules when they come into effect later this year, according to an international collective of investigative journalists. The team, which includes Dutch news platforms Follow the Money and Investico, looked at almost 1,300 European investment funds with combined assets under management of €525 billion, all of which claim to be sustainable. Some 40% of...