Explain articles

  • What The Tech : Explaining Cookies

    Jamey Tucker explain what website "cookies" are and which ones you should ignore
  • The masculinity crisis, explained

    Young men are increasingly finding themselves single and struggling to meet traditional expectations. Journalist Christine Emba breaks down the masculinity crisis and what can be done to fix it.  The rise of “manfluencers” like Jordan Peterson and Joe Rogan reflects a new type of masculinity that both challenges and redefines what it means to be a man today. While these influencers often offer empathy and simple life advice, their viewpoints tend to escalate into misogyny,...
  • Explainer-Why are meme stocks rallying again?

    GameStop and AMC Entertainment have again captured retail investors' attention, reminiscent of "the meme stock frenzy" that gripped Wall Street three years ago, following social media posts from the leading figure behind that rally "Roaring Kitty". Keith Gill, popularly known among traders as "Roaring Kitty", shared a series of cryptic posts on social media platform X on Sunday following a three-year gap.