Favorite things articles

  • 25 Things to Love About Vizslas

    Vizslas, often referred to as “Hungarian Pointers,” are one of the most affectionate and energetic breeds, renowned for their distinctive rusty-gold coat and expressive eyes. Originating from Hungary, these dogs have a storied history as both hunting dogs and loyal companions. Known for their sleek build and exceptional agility, Vizslas are versatile in the field, excelling in various activities such as tracking, retrieving, and pointing. They are not just skilled hunters but also loving family...
  • 25 Things to Love About Labradoodles

    Labradoodles have captured the hearts of dog lovers worldwide with their charming blend of Labrador Retriever and Poodle characteristics. This hybrid breed combines the gentle, friendly nature of the Labrador with the intelligence and low-shedding coat of the Poodle, making them particularly appealing to families and individuals seeking a companion that is both smart and hypoallergenic. Originally developed in the late 1980s in Australia, Labradoodles were intended to be guide dogs that could...
  • 25 Things to Love About Samoyeds

    Samoyeds, with their striking “Sammy smile” and fluffy white coat, are one of the most visually captivating and affable breeds. Originally bred by the Samoyedic peoples of Siberia to herd reindeer and pull sleds, these dogs are not only strong and resilient but also incredibly gentle and friendly. Known for their unmistakable fluffy coat and curled tail that touches their back, Samoyeds are often referred to as “smiling sammies” for their characteristic upturned corners of the mouth, which give...