Gennifer flowers articles

  • Creating a bed for flowers and vegetables

    There’s something a bit depressing about looking out at a sogging and overgrown garden as the rain pelts down on the window and this has been the case in Ireland for so very long, so it is a great relief to finally be able to start pottering about and putting plans into practice outdoors. May is a busy, busy month for gardening. The danger of frost has faded, the garden centres are full of beautiful, bright plants and everywhere there are signs of life beginning anew as the days lengthen....
  • Blooming lovely: what to wear to a flower show

    With Chelsea flower show kicking off next week, our styling editor offers some literal dressing inspiration, from a subtle rose necklace to an all-over floral print Continue reading
  • What Vegetables and Flowers you can Plant Now

    ELMIRA, N.Y. (WETM): The later in spring we get, the fewer chances there are for frosts overnight. This means certain types of plants are in the clear to put into the ground. Vegetables like potatoes, broccoli, cauliflower, cabbages, and kale are good to put in the soil now. Others like tomatoes and peppers are still []