Grandparent scam articles

  • Eye on Scams: Rental scams

    Consumers are reporting being tricked by rentals that don’t materialize.
  • More grandparents raising grandchildren

    KINGSTON, LUZERNE COUNTY (WBRE/WYOU)— A recent report shows a significant increase in grandparents caring for their grandchildren across the United States; those numbers are no different in Pennsylvania. 28/22 News Reporter Sydney Kostus spoke with one organization that’s trying to meet the needs we're seeing in NEPA. Retirement is the plan for many over 65, []
  • How do we protect teenagers from sextortion scams?

    Murray Dowey, a 16-year-old from Dunblane, was targeted by a sextortion scammer in the hours before he took his own life. Now his parents are raising awareness of this increasingly prevalent crime. Libby Brooks reportsOn the evening of 29 December, 16-year-old Murray Dowey was with his family in their home in Dunblane, Scotland. As they sat together watching TV, Murray talked about saving up money for a summer holiday with his friends.At about 9.30pm, he went up to his bedroom. Continue reading