Natural language processing articles

  • The appointment process changes

    Back when I was a child, we went to the doctor when we were sick, and when we were REALLY sick, the doctor would actually come to our house. It didn’t happen often for us, but the option was available.My mother took care of all the illness cases in our house. She had some purple syrup medicine that was a cure for anything that ailed us. If we had colds, out came the purple syrup. When we had a tummy ache, we drank the purple syrup. My sister and I wonder now what was in that special medicine...
  • The nature of consciousness, and how to enjoy it while you can

    In his new book, Christof Koch views consciousness as a theorist and an aficionado.
  • For God's Sake: sin in nature

    I came to faith in Christ 40 years ago in a church in southeast Florida. The members of that small congregation embraced me as family, inviting me to their homes for dinners and cookouts. I marveled that such a loving group of people existed and even came to perceive them as being without fault. It wasn’t long before I realized that they, like me, though redeemed in Christ, were real human beings who had to deal with a sin nature.