Personal integrity articles

  • One person dead, one person hospitalized after a shooting in Greenfield

    GREENFIELD, Mo. — A heavy police presence has been spotted near the Price Cutter in Greenfield due to a shooting. According to police, a shooting caused one death and another person being flown to the hospital. This photo was taken on Talbutt Street near the Price Cutter: This is an ongoing situation. Ozarksfirst will update []
  • "We Promise This Is Not A Person In A Bodysuit"

    "We Promise This Is Not A Person In A Bodysuit" Boston Dynamics unveiled Wednesday a new humanoid robot that creepily moves like no other robot has moved before. The new fully electric Atlas robot represents a path to commercialization and a new generation of robots that will leave folks asking if this is the beginning of the 'Skynet' (Terminator) robot. "This week we announced the retirement of our hydraulic Atlas and unveiled what comes next—a fully electric Atlas robot...
  • Advances in missing persons cases

    Can you imagine undergoing the anxiety of having a loved one go missing? In 2023, Spain’s Ministry of the Interior shed light on significant advancements aimed at supporting families during such distressing times. On Tuesday, April 16, Fernando Grande-Marlaska, the Minister of the Interior, chaired the yearly gathering at the National Centre for Missing Persons […]