Public expression articles

  • Private or Public?

    by Anonymous Regarding public universities. What constitutes a public good? Is there a point where transparency of too much privatization of a public institution should be made known? Has the federal and the state officials failed in keeping public colleges even 50 percent public? Structural adjustments professors forced into precarious job settings, and programs disappearing while real estate becomes more attractive and administrators demanding...
  • Expressable brings speech therapy into the home

    Expressable is a platform that offers one-on-one virtual sessions with speech language pathologists. © 2024 TechCrunch. All rights reserved. For personal use only.
  • eSports Are Coming To Jamestown Public Schools

    eSports are coming to the Jamestown Public Schools District. The Jamestown School Board approved the creation of an E-Sports team and extracurricular club at a voting session held Wednesday. The board also approved accepting a donation of a 97-inch television for the eSports Arena from Mercury Networks. The television will be housed at the Innovation […]