Sexist articles

  • You be the judge: should my sister help me challenge our brother’s sexist views?

    Mina confronts Tom, but little sister Layla would rather keep the peace. You decide who’s right in this sister act?Find out how to get a disagreement settled or become a jurorConfronting Tom’s toxic attitudes is good practice for my sister and will boost her confidenceMina wants to make a stand, but after a row, it’s me who has to deal with the aftershocks at home Continue reading
  • Mitchell Goes To War With Math To Label Pro Basketball Sexist

    MSNBC’s Andrea Mitchell closed out her Tuesday show by deciding to pick a fight with math. Reacting to Monday’s WNBA draft, Mitchell called “sexism” on the fact that number one overall pick Caitlin Clark will have a roughly $76,000 rookie salary while her male counterpart makes slightly north of $12 million. Mitchell reported that “Caitlin Clark's record-breaking streak continues with what could be the most watched WNBA Draft ever. Clark was the number one pick, of course, last night, scoring...
  • Mitchell Goes To War With Math To Label Pro Basketball Sexist

    MSNBC’s Andrea Mitchell closed out her Tuesday show by deciding to pick a fight with math. Reacting to Monday’s WNBA draft, Mitchell called “sexism” on the fact that number one overall pick Caitlin Clark will have a roughly $76,000 rookie salary while her male counterpart makes slightly north of $12 million. Mitchell reported that “Caitlin Clark's record-breaking streak continues with what could be the most watched WNBA Draft ever. Clark was the number one pick, of course, last night, scoring...