Social media literacy articles

  • Springfield roundtable addresses teen social media challenges

    In Springfield Wednesday evening, the challenges of social media on adolescent users were a topic of discussion at a youth roundtable.
  • Post like a maestro: Social media comms for leaders

    Is your CEO itching to post on LinkedIn or X? Does the thought fill you with glee or dread?  Not long ago, the regular use of social platforms by corporate leaders was rare — or even unthinkable. Now, it has become the norm, with companies seeing it as a fresh, immediate and relatable way to engage audiences. Some even believe it’s become a core strategy for improving overall performance. CEOs dabbling in social media is a strategy riddled with risks, though. Several have already paid the price,...
  • The “Chaos Follow” Makes Staying on Social Media Worth It

    I went through a rough time last month—my chaos follow was taking a break. He does this occasionally, saying he’ll be off Instagram until a specific date. Sometimes he follows through, but there have been times, in his inimitable chaotic fashion, that restaurateur Keith McNally will suddenly start posting on the app before the promised return date, and everything will feel normal again. This last time around, he posted at the end of February that he’d be taking off until May 1st and nobody...