Support articles

  • Thrift shop helps support Rhinelander K9s

    Star Journal photo Representatives from the Seventh Day Adventist Thrift Shop presented a $2,000 check to the Rhinelander Police Department for use with the K9 program. The thrift shop regularly donates a portion of its proceeds to Rhinelander area causes. Pictured from left, Police Chief Lloyd Gauthier, Linda Campbell and Debbie Candado with the thrift shop, Sergeant Chad Brown and K9 Odin. The funding will offset costs for food, boarding, training and medical procedures. In addition to Sgt...
  • Windows now natively supports PyTorch through DirectML

    Similar to DirectX which offers low-level APIs for Graphics, DirectML offers low-level API for machine learning in Windows. Instead of wasting time and effort to target different CPU, GPU and NPU hardware options, DirectML allows developers to build once and make it available for all supported Windows PCs. It also integrated with frameworks such as […]
  • How Congress can better support law enforcement

    As a member of Congress on the House Judiciary Committee, I am aware of and concerned by the serious challenges facing our nation’s law enforcement officers. And as a former sheriff, I have a unique perspective on these challenges and an understanding of what needs to be done at the federal level to best support […]